by Iona Reid-Dalglish


‘Hvem er du’ is the first piece of music that we wrote together after pausing the project for a long time.
We met in Aarhus to record a song that would become part of a film music that Julius was working on at the time, for the finnish/german arthouse movie ‘Power of Love’ (directed by Jonas Rothlaender) . 
During that session we also found ourselves sitting down for one of those Vil moments that we knew from the past: 
Choosing one or two instruments each and just seeing what happens when we start playing...
For the collaboration on this song we asked our friend Iona Reid-Dalglish to add a painting to the music we had written. 
Together with our dear friend and longtime guardian angel Anna Nyskov Irgens-Møller, Iona was present when we met for the next writing session after ‘Hvem er du’. There, we exchanged stories at the beloved dining table in the præstegården in Jebjerg, played a few songs for Iona and Anna, visited the two of them on their boat Frigg, and also got to see Iona’s art for the first time.

March 22nd, 2024


composed & produced by Julius Pollux Rothlaender & Lovis Bechmann
lyrics by Lovis Bechmann
mixed by Francine Perry
mastered by Katie Tavini 

artwork by Iona Reid-Dalglish